

Chris Vasquez
loves to share

I'm a product person and designer who has built tools used by hundreds of thousands of creators to make a living.
Along the way I've made mistakes, run experiments, & learned a ton of lessons I'd love to share.
Sign up to stay up to date with what I'm learning (I'll send an email right away so you can reach out directly if you'd like to connect).

About me.

I'm the chief product officer at AWeber. I get to work with a team of product managers and designers to create tools and experiences that enable entrepreneurs, bloggers, podcasters and businesses to connect with their audiences in remarkable ways.


I'm passionate about building things that enable people to build businesses around their passions and almost equally passionate about identifying and helping to unlock super powers in product people. The center of the Venn diagram between those passions is an obsession with experimentation as a means for unearthing insights of all types.



Some of the places I've shared.

πŸ—“ 2024

AWeber Webinar


πŸ—“ 2022


Going Beyond the Blog with Email

Community, Email Marketing, Creator Economy

Andrew Prawl from The Busy Traveler and I talked about how to build an audience, identify super fans, and grow a community around your content. It was an absolute blast.


B2SMB Leader's Forum

Experience Over Function: How CE Will Make or Break B2SMB Offerings

Product Design, Product Management, Team Culture

How do you build a product where you balance function and experience effectively without spending 2x the time? I'm not going to pretend it's easy, but it is possible if you put customer feedback first in your product development process.


πŸ—“ 2021

Podcast Movement University

Turning Fans into Friends - Actionable Steps to Turn Your Listeners into a Community.

Community, Email Marketing, Creator Economy

Growing an audience is hard, especially when you're trying to do it on your own. Learn to identify your super fans, connect with them and connect them to each other, and build a community outward from there.


B2SMBI Leaders Forum

All Together Now: Nurturing Small Business Communities.

Community, Team Culture, Product Lead Growth

A lesson in how we're building a connected community of customers who help each other, inspire each other, and keep each other accountable.


πŸ—“ 2020

B2SMBI SmallBizAid

How we built Pivot Packs to help Small Businesses move online due to the pandemic.

Community, Product Management, Creator Economy

An overview of how we quickly developed and evolved resources for creators and small businesses to get online in the wake of Covid-19.


Litmus Live

Building a Newsletter that is Strange and Wonderful

Email Design, Choice Architecture, Email Marketing, Surveys

Newsletters are experiencing a renaissance. I took some time to help people identify their unique style and offer and turn it into an interesting newsletter.




πŸ—“ 2019

Litmus Live

Making Fun of Email (or, making email fun)

Choice Architecture, Gaming, Surveys, Email Design

A collaborative session with @Nico_G on introducing game elements into all sorts of emails.

"The structure was brilliant. Excellent job breaking down the facets of game design as it relates to email then wrapping with lean product management. Very accessible, actionable, and inspiring!"


Podcast Movement

Growing Your Podcast (and Revenue) Using Email Marketing and Automation

Marketing Automation, Email Marketing, Community, Creator Economy
A four hour workshop with @mjnesta where we helped folks who didn't have an email strategy define and set up a lead magnet and onboarding campaign and helped folks who did have an email strategy optimize it. 



How to Use Email to Grow Your Business

Email Marketing, Community, Creator Economy
An introduction to newsletter creation, growth, and automation. It was a ton of fun.



Pathways to Success Through Personalized Onboarding

Marketing Automation, Choice Architecture, Onboarding, Product Design

I walked a room full of product people through our history of experimenting with making our onboarding (in app and email) more personalized.



How to Turn Passive Listeners into Active Subscribers with Email

Community, Email Marketing

A session on channel shifting podcast listeners to active, engaged community participants and customers.


Spots PodCon

How to Use Email to Grow Your Business

Email Marketing, Creator Economy, Audience Growth



πŸ—“ 2018

Philly Tech Week

Don't Tell me What to Do - Getting Comfortable with Data-Assisted Design

Data Analysis, Product Design, Choice Architecture



Going Beyond the Blog with Email Marketing

Community, Email Marketing, Creator Economy



πŸ—“ 2013

Video Summit

Video Marketing Campaign Case Studies

Advertising, Video Production, Marketing
I know this is from a while ago, but I used to get to help make commercials and this is one of the ones that made me proudest.

Whoa! You made it all the way to the bottom.

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I'll send an email right away so you can reach out directly if you'd like to connect.